Friday, July 20, 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun...

My mom has started her blog back and my husband started a new blog, so I thought I better get with it and get this show on the road!!  I thought to myself the other day about how often I blogged about my son and his life during the first few months.  I had pictures, videos, you name it.   Then I looked at my blogs and there has been nothing about my daughter.  Oh that's so unfair....  So I need to get this computer diary of my life underway!

So, a I said in the title, time flies when you're having fun.   My son is walking, talking, going potty, riding a two wheel bicycle without training wheels, and about ready for kindergarten.  The only thing keeping him back this year is his birthday.  So, next year he'll be on his way...  My daughter is walking and babbling... :)  Her favorite words are, "Daddy" and "Yeah".   She has recently learned "bye" and "hi".  She can sign the words "more" and "please" but cannot speak them.  Right now she is a little testy from cutting her teeth, which reminds me, we had to leave the restaurant early tonight and apologize to everyone around.   She was

Within the last few months we went from almost listing our house and putting an offer on another, which would have been a HUGE mistake to say the least,  to dealing with fallen trees in the front yard, and putting new tires on the car.   We're trying to get to a point to where we are debt free.  We are far from it, but at least we're trying and what we have been doing has all been done in cash instead of credit.  I'm hoping that at some point we an break free from the restraints of debt.   Someday... oh someday... I dream of calling Dave Ramsey on a Friday afternoon and screaming "WE'RE DEBT FREE!"  Oh what a day that will be!!!  Until then, we'll keep plugging along and doing the best we can do.

I've got a new hobby, well um maybe I should say new obsession....  yes, I admit it, I am addicted to Pinterest.   I am embarrassed to say that I have spent countless hours on Pinterest..  I have tried things I love, tried things I hated, and pinned / liked things I can't wait to try.  Hey, I guess I can blog about my experiences on things I want to try and you can read about it.... if you want to.   Well, come and join me in the fun!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Chronicles of Jaime's Life... hmmm     Welcome!  In the time it has taken me to do this post, I have done one load of laundry, fed the baby two bottles, fed my toddler one snack and lunch, watched the movie Cars and How To Tame a Dragon, watched my son ride his bike, put my son to bed for a nap, and gave the baby a bath after cuting off her onesie due to a horrible accident...

So, welcome to my life!  As it says in my "about me" section, I have many roles to play.  Let's talk about me being a wife and mother.  My husband,  Joe, and I have added a new little family member so I decided it was time for one combined blog.  One place for everyone to go to follow us and keep up-to-date on our normal day-to-day life. Maintaining multiple blogs has gotten a bit too, well, lost.  I have not had time to maintain them, both, so I am doing family and home in this one, combined blog.

For those of you visiting who do not know me, I am a crazy nut.  My co-workers think I'm crazy because I would wake up early to clean the house before I left for work.  I loved coming home to a clean house. We will see how that will work now that I have two kids....

I love to follow design and craft blogs.  I try to tell myselft that I, too, can make this item or that item.  Sometimes I am successful, but other times the projects get pushed aside.  I love music and doing crafts. 

Right now I'm off work on maternity leave.  So I have had a LITTLE time to do some projects.  I started a coupon binder, I made teacher appreciation gifts for three teachers (sugar handscrub, fabric bookmark and post-it note holders), vinyl mailbox decor, and a tutu

What should I have been doing??? Well, first and foremost I was taking care of and bonding with my baby as well as being a mother to my toddler son, and a wife to my husband.  So please don't mention those things.  They are all gimme's.  So now, back to the question of "What SHOULD I have been doing?":
  1. Sleeping more.
  2. Eatting more (healthy of course)
  3. Cleaning less.

Now as I mentioned, I have two beautiful children.  One is a toddler and the other a newborn.  I'm so busy right now looking after them both.  This week I have kept my toddler at home with me rather than taking him to school.  He and I have both enjoyed the time we've had together.  It puts me even more into the mode of wanting to be a stay-at-home mother.  Unfortunately, that isn't an option for our family now.  So I am trying to get the most enjoyment out my days.  I have cherished the time with them for sure.   Here are some pictures of them (my son is on the left and my daughter is on the right in each of the picture sets):

Well, my toddler just woke up from his nap.  I'm still in my pj's and needing a shower and I haven't had lunch yet.  So I guess I better get off of here and try to get some more done.  Thanks for stopping by, getting to know me, and being a part of my life....